Friday, July 31, 2009

25 Best Back-to-School Gadgets

(Via Time Magazine)

Here are the 25 best back to school gadgets (for grownups). My picks are the iPhone 3GS (expect a lengthly post about why I can't live without iPhone soon), and the LiveScribe Pulse Smart Pen (you write your notes on special paper notebooks, which you can then sync to your computer [i know right!?], simultaneously, the pen can record the lecture for you also and both the visible and audible notes are fully searchable). Sadly, the pen is currently not available in Canada.

Fresh Start Recycling

Lucky Vancouverites... Fresh Start Recycling helps homeowners, building managers, and contractors rid themselves of unwanted items with a three-step approach: recycle, donate and finally, dispose. View their website here.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tundra Buggy Polar Bear Tours & Live HD Polar Cams

These tours look incredible, and if I had an extra $10,000 I would certainly be booked on one.
Check them here.

Or, try my at-home version. Read Jake MacDonald's Grizzlyville then watch some live feed from one of the tundra buggies, like this video here.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Children's Health in the Environment

Dr. Bruce Lanphear, currently a professor at SFU, offers the most useful, interesting, and up to date course I have ever taken, called Children's Health in the Environment. It is this course that has taken my life long interest to the next level, inspired this blog, and been the catalyst for my current endeavor into a second degree, a bachelors of science in nursing. Thank you Bruce! If you are at SFU, do yourself a favor and get a seat in his class.

Buying Safe Plastic Toys

From the National Geographic Green Guide:

With mounting concerns over lead in toys, added to worries about hormone-disrupting chemicals in plastic, parents are understandably questioning the seemingly innocent toys they use to educate and entertain their kids...plastics made with vinyl usually have a plasticky smell, similar to that of a new shower curtain... When in doubt, smell it! Toxic softeners in plastics can give them that new smell.

The worst plastic used in children's toys, including teethers, bath toys and dolls, is polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, which creates dioxins in production and often contains phthalates, chemical softeners used to make the plastic soft and pliable. Considered "hormone disruptors" and linked with asthma and respiratory problems, phthalates can migrate out of toys and onto the hands (and into the mouths) of children. Fortunately, many companies are removing phthalates, and several states, including California and Maine, are initiating legislation that would ban the sale of any children's products containing these problem chemicals.

Another additive to PVC, lead has been cropping up in toys with unrelenting frequency. Hundreds of thousands toys, including Barbie dolls, Fisher-Price locomotives and Thomas the Tank Engines have been recalled due to violations of lead paint standards. Lead is also found in the paint of some old wood and metal toys, especially in imports. Lead is associated with a host of learning disabilities and behavior disorders, and even low exposures can carry lifelong effects.

Lead has also been found in other children's toys. In July 2004, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalled all metal toy jewelry sold in vending machines—150 million pieces—that was imported by AA Global Industries Inc., Brand Imports, Cardinal Distributing Co. and L.M. Becker and Co. Inc. after it was found to contain lead and one young child was poisoned. In this instance, the toys were recalled before more children were affected, but government can react slowly to protect children, often not moving until after harm has been done.


Europe to Ban PVC Toys

Canada: PVC Toys Pulled From Toys "R" Us Shelves (Greenpeace Archives)

And for a list of safe teething options visit Health Canada.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are Trailer

How exciting! Maurice Sendak's cherished children's book is now movie-ified. The trailer is here, complete with track by Arcade Fire. Enjoy! The movie is out October 16th, 2009.

Sustainable Sushi Guide

From David Suzuki's Website, I present to you the sustainable sushi guide (download here). It also includes health advisories for fish high in heavy metals.

"Use the power of your consumer choice at the sushi counter and help keep our oceans and communities healthy for years to come..."

You also might want to double think that all-you-can-eat sushi buffet this weekend.

More on honey

... a continuation from a couple earlier posts about honey: it is an antibacterial, that's why it never goes bad, and thats why it should go into things even more than usual when you are sick.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

as promised, something you may want to peek at is here. cant say much more than that as im pretty sure its not supposed to be out yet. winkwink.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jewel's Lullaby CD

I downloaded this on my iPhone when stuck in some serious traffic with my daughter in the car to help calm her, and it worked. And I cannot lie, I listen to it myself sometimes too. I heart iTunes.

Nuby teether recall

Thanks to we now know that all Nuby gel filled teethers have been recalled. The article and specifics are here.

Farmers Market

Still trying to get there? Find yours here.

Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

The trailer was posted on the internet 15 minutes ago and has already been taken down. It is officially released tomorrow and I will post the link then, but for now get your fix here. It looks as though I may have a new favourite movie.

Monday, July 20, 2009

90 Day Challenge

Dhyan Vimal offers a free 90 day self improvement challenge. Even as I'm typing the words I realize how silly it seems, "self improvement" has a bad rep, particularly so in scholarly circles, but this one is nice. He offers quick (as in under 2 minutes) video clips of some idea or observation to be aware of and they come to your inbox daily. I'm about half-way through, and will probably need to do it a few times in order to truly grasp the reminders (I'm pretty forgetful), but I am definitely enjoying it. Sign up here, Namaste!

Sophie La Giraffe

Don't put her in the dishwasher... she won't squeak anymore. Now I know.

If you've been living under a rock and haven't heard about Sophie, she's an amazing infant toy that babies love. 100% natural rubber & food grade paints, free of phthalates, PVC & BPA. Available everywhere.

Vancouver Only Laundry Detergent

I found this at Planet Organic in Port Coquitlam a few months ago at it works great. Less than a 1/4 cup does an entire load of baby soiled goods, and a bag is under $10. Phosphate & nitrate free. Recyclable bag. Biodegradable. Affordable... and the best part.... it actually works great. If you see it, get some.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Small Tribute To Domino

My 4 year old Australian Kelpie x Border Collie was diagnosed last week with Lymphatic Carcinoma. We have decided that treatment is cruel, as chemo is terribly unbearable and would only buy him a year at most. Here are some wonderful shots of this beautiful boy who will be so very missed when he is gone.

Showering before the pool

Let's be honest... many of us have thought at one time or another, "I'm clean", or why bother, or its too cold, or any other excuse not to obey the big red sign reading "shower before entering pool". I never really thought twice about why this is actually important, now I know, thanks to the August 2008 issue of Today's Parent Canada...

"...when chlorine mixes with sweat and urine (you know its in there), a type of chloramine is released into the air that can aggravate - even cause - asthma, especially in kids under seven."

Now we know ;).

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fresh Air Cinema

Picnics and free big-screen outdoor movies at the park? Obviously yes!

For events in your area join the Facebook group here, and check their website here ;). Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Plastic in the Ocean

Who knew my facial exfoliant was such a big deal?! We are all aware that plastic bags are seriously bad news for all creatures.. yet very little attention is paid to the teeny tiny plastic beads in your exfoliant. These build up in the smallest sea creatures, and in turn the bigger and bigger ones until... they become so toxic they die, or we eat them. Lovely thought. I can thank Alan Weisman's book 'The World Without Us' for this tidbit. Great read, by the way. Check it here.

So far the only reasonable priced substitute is St. Ives Apricot Scrub, however my facialist is adament that the shards are too sharp and skin damaging. For now, I guess Ill be scrubbin' with a facecloth the old-fashioned way. Maybe that's not so bad after all.

Yoga Jeans

As moms, we are constantly reaching, bending, moving... and I have found jeans to be totally impossible. They just aren't comfortable, they don't move with me, and if they slip down to reveal a muffin top, my hands are too full to pull them back up. Just ICK.

Until! Yoga Jeans, by Second Clothing. They come in lots of varieties but the ones I chose are amazing for moms. The rise is just below the belly button to keep all post-baby issues snugly in place. Dark & Slimming. Skinny Jeans (the best for wearing with heels OR easily tucking into boots, Uggs, muddies...).

And... they came in the mail, they're about 1/3 of the price of my favourite Rock n Republic's (including taxes and shipping), and I fit a size smaller in this brand too. Today is a good day to be a mommy.

I bought mine from mudshark streetwear ;). Trust me you will love them.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Organics Grocery Delivery

I would like to introduce Organics@Home ... the service that brings me all my organic produce bi-weekly. I find the prices good, the product great, and the fact that I dont have to go out priceless. I also love the dried beans and lentils. Do it!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Silence of the Bees

I now feel super dumb. I watched last night on the National Geographic channel a program called Silence of the Bees, and it informed me that 3/4 of all plants rely on pollination, and that every fruit/ vegetable/ nut/ seed that grows is a result of being pollinated (usually by bees). I had no idea. I guess I had always figured the things just grew on their own! Where was I during biology 12? There's a big scare right now too, the colonies are collapsing due to pesticides and a few different viruses, and bees are declining big time. This, scientists say, is a more imminent, immediate, and bigger threat than global warming. I knew I was off the sugar for political reasons, as well as the massive carbon footprint to get it here... but if there was ever a time to support local honey, its now.

The British BeeKeepers Association has more to say.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Drain Catcher

My tub drain gets clogged all the time. I hate draino... its soo toxic to the watersystems, and its really expensive. I did try one brand of 'ecologically friendly' drain cleaner and it did not work at all. So I sucked it up and bought the draino and vowed that I would ensure to do something about the cause of the cloggage. Not about to shave my long hair, I opted instead to plop in a wire mesh drain catcher. It cost under $2 from Canadian Tire. If I had measured the width before hand I wouldn't have had to make two trips... I recommend measuring. If you have one of those swivel/drop stoppers, its a bit of a pain to get out. I used a screwdriver wedged down the drain to hold still the stick-part under there by pushing really hard, while screwing off the top. This was of course after the woman at the store assured me all I needed to do to get it off was spin the top many times. How cruel was she?! I span and span for like, ever. Anyway, its been installed for several months now, my drain's been clear, and there's always the satisfaction of completing a home-improvement project all by yourself. Even just a tiny one.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Coconut Oil

I realize that in this economy (or, if you're like me and a single mom then in any economy), budgets are tight and it is often tough to "splurge" on beauty products that are toxin free and planet friendly. While I am a big advocate of anything made by Burt's Bees, I do realize the price tags, while worth it, aren't cheap.

Enter Coconut Oil. I got mine at an Indian food store, but it can be found at grocers everywhere, right along with all of the other cooking oils, and its cheap. Some gets poured out into a smaller container to be used as moisturizer for my entire face and body, straight up, before bed. Some gets mixed with epsom salts (more salt than oil) for an in-shower scrub and moisture treatment. The rest stays in the kitchen for cooking.

Some benefits include: hair and skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and cancer, dental care, and bone strength. These benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, soothing, etc (

Here is some original research on the health benefits of coconut oil in cooking:


Somehow, toxic and cancer-causing chemicals are allowed in products we commonly use. Do not buy them, do not use them, and especially do not use them on your children (or yourself if you are expecting) any products containing the following ingredients.

Parabens (ex. methylparaben) ... these are often listed near the end of the ingredients list and are found commonly in moisturizers, shampoos, soaps, cosmetics..... the list goes on and on.
BPA ... has now been officially proven harmful and removed from baby bottles, yet is still prevalent in plastics, and many other sources. The full name is Bisphenol-A. Watch out, this one is bad.
Phthalates... again, nasty.
Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfates. Just don't.

I heart Burt's Bees. They are the only products I deem safe enough for my daughter and myself (she is, after all, constantly in contact with my skin).

Oh, and your fragrance.... it is more likely than not that it is highly toxic to little one's tiny lungs. Lay off until you're apart.

The above is for those of you who trust me and take my word for it.... for those wanting to know more, here are some links to explore..

For original research, I used the SFU library. I encourage you to do the same.

What products do you like? What secret sources of 'bad-guys' have you discovered?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Recycled Baby Bib

I am in the process of learning to quilt, and in doing so have thought that it would be neat to incorporate pieces of my daughter's first clothes to up the memory factor. This left me with a few onesies and jumpsuits with big squares cut out of the backs... now what to do with the front?

Cut it into a bib shape, leave the sleeves attached for extra coverage or staying power, or cut the backs of the arms off and use the arm fronts as ties to secure around baby's neck. I didn't even bother finishing the seams but there is potential here for some seriously cute recycled bibs... you could add lace or bows... the possibilities are endless!

I love books, mostly non-fiction

I just blew my entire entertainment budget for the next few months on this hefty stack. I'm so excited. I'll keep you posted as I go....
Beginning with...
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace... One School at a Time ~ Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin.

Then, as mood strikes...

Direct Red ~ Gabriel Weston
The Urban Gardener ~ Sonia Day
Sea Sick: The Global Ocean in Crisis ~ Alanna Mitchell
Grizzlyville: Adventures in Bear Country ~ Jake MacDonald
The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning ~ James Lovelock
Audition ~ Barbara Walters
Planet India ~ Mira Kamdar
The Flying Troutmans ~ Miriam Toews
sToriTelling ~ Tori Spelling
Why Your World Is About To Get A Whole Lot Smaller ~ Jeff Rubin

Monday, July 6, 2009

Getting Started


Thank you for stopping by.

For my first post I would like to introduce some books that have changed the way I view food and eating behaviour for the better. The unified theme is locally inspired eating to different degrees, and minimizing our carbon footprints while maximizing our well-being in terms of not just physical health in general, but also spiritual health and family connectedness are desirable by-products. Dive right in...

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle ~ Barbara Kingsolver

In Defense of Food ~ Michael Pollan

The 100 Mile Diet ~ Alisa Smith & J.B. Mackinnon
The final web-link is a rich resource for all things locally inspired.

I have incorporated many of the ideas used in these books into my everyday life, though in no way am I a pure Locavore. I believe that if you can or want to live in any or all of the ways discussed, some change is better than none at all. I now frequent my local farmers market (a simple google search got me there), I have switched to locally produced honey and given up sugar, and at the local organic market I found amazing laundry detergent produced locally and kindly, called "Vancouver Only" and made specifically with our water in mind. There are other things, but I don't want to bore you with the specifics all at once.... what have you discovered??