I now feel super dumb. I watched last night on the National Geographic channel a program called Silence of the Bees, and it informed me that 3/4 of all plants rely on pollination, and that every fruit/ vegetable/ nut/ seed that grows is a result of being pollinated (usually by bees). I had no idea. I guess I had always figured the things just grew on their own! Where was I during biology 12? There's a big scare right now too, the colonies are collapsing due to pesticides and a few different viruses, and bees are declining big time. This, scientists say, is a more imminent, immediate, and bigger threat than global warming. I knew I was off the sugar for political reasons, as well as the massive carbon footprint to get it here... but if there was ever a time to support local honey, its now.
The British BeeKeepers Association has more to say.
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