Sunday, July 26, 2009

Children's Health in the Environment

Dr. Bruce Lanphear, currently a professor at SFU, offers the most useful, interesting, and up to date course I have ever taken, called Children's Health in the Environment. It is this course that has taken my life long interest to the next level, inspired this blog, and been the catalyst for my current endeavor into a second degree, a bachelors of science in nursing. Thank you Bruce! If you are at SFU, do yourself a favor and get a seat in his class.


  1. that sounds amazing, I wish they had something like that at uvic! Wow, nursing hey, good for you :)

  2. Crazy- I'm planning to start a 2nd degree in nursing as well! I'm taking some pre-reqs this September, with plans to go full-time in Sept 2010. I'm leaning more towards psychiatric nursing, but I haven't fully decided... perhaps I will see you around! xoxo Brie
