Thursday, July 9, 2009

Drain Catcher

My tub drain gets clogged all the time. I hate draino... its soo toxic to the watersystems, and its really expensive. I did try one brand of 'ecologically friendly' drain cleaner and it did not work at all. So I sucked it up and bought the draino and vowed that I would ensure to do something about the cause of the cloggage. Not about to shave my long hair, I opted instead to plop in a wire mesh drain catcher. It cost under $2 from Canadian Tire. If I had measured the width before hand I wouldn't have had to make two trips... I recommend measuring. If you have one of those swivel/drop stoppers, its a bit of a pain to get out. I used a screwdriver wedged down the drain to hold still the stick-part under there by pushing really hard, while screwing off the top. This was of course after the woman at the store assured me all I needed to do to get it off was spin the top many times. How cruel was she?! I span and span for like, ever. Anyway, its been installed for several months now, my drain's been clear, and there's always the satisfaction of completing a home-improvement project all by yourself. Even just a tiny one.

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